Patient Portal Instructions:


If you have any problems with the patient portal, please call, 770-945-4800 for assistance. Please remember that your USERNAME IS YOUR EMAIL


Once you receive an email about logging into your account. Please follow these steps:

  • Please create password with the following requirements:

    • 8 or more characters

    • At least one capital letter

    • At least one symbol

    • At least one number

  • Failure to follow the instructions above will not permit you to access your account

  • Provide only your date of birth. DO NOT submit anything for the question asking for your last four digits of your SSN



Once you receive an email asking you to complete the new patient forms, please create an account by clicking 'Register' and providing your First Name, Last Name, and Email, and the office will send you a link to create a password for the patient portal account


Please fill out the form below to request access to the patient portal if you are a new patient